Ecology Academy
Exclusive membership to a wide range of our Ecology Academy Courses, Favourite Resource Materials and LIVE sessions.
Here are all the products that are included in your membership.
All Courses
A monthly show where we get to talk and learn about all things ecological, including interviews with top ecologists (both employers and employees), those working with ecologists, and also aspiring and inspiring career-seeking individuals.
All Courses, Essential ecology courses
Learn about the methodologies used in this rapid ecological assessment. With the acquired knowledge you will be able to prepare for and undertake an ecological appraisal and recognise ecological constraints and opportunities for a site.
All Courses, Protected species courses, Essential ecology courses
UPDATED SEPT 2023: Learn about surveying buildings, trees and other structures for a range of bat roost features, with confidence. With the acquired knowledge you will be able to assess and categorise their suitability and provide simple advice.
All Courses, Essential ecology courses
An introduction to International, European and domestic (UK) wildlife legislation and an overview of planning policy in the UK . This course is suitable to gain a basic understanding of the principals of the subject.
All Courses, Essential ecology courses
Introducing report writing for beginners. A mini-course for those new or unsure of the role of the ecological report and need guidance on what makes a great, good or bad report. Course also has a Live Q&A feature. Access is set to 365 days.
All Courses, Essential ecology courses
This course introduces this ancient group of plants, gives lots of reasons why they deserve your love and adoration, goes through basic identification features and looks at some of our most common species. Enjoy 90 days of access any time!