Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 01 - How to Choose a Habit that Sticks

    2. Lesson 02 - The Two-Minute Rule for Building Lasting Habits

    3. Lesson 03 - How to Fit New Habits in Your Life

    4. Lesson 04 - How to Design Your Environment for Success

    5. Lesson 05 - How to Make Good Habits Automatic

    6. Lesson 06 - Prime Your Environment to Make Future Habits Easy

    7. Lesson 07 - Two Strategies to Combat Fading Motivation

    8. Lesson 08 - How to Create a Reward that Makes Habits Satisfying

    9. Lesson 09 - Visualize Your Progress and Stay the Course with a Habit Tracker

    10. Lesson 10 - The Role of Family and Friends in Shaping Habits

    11. Lesson 11 - Moving from Two Minutes to Mastery

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About this course

  • £9.90
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content