Course curriculum

    1. Overview of the report

    2. Linking impacts to legislation

    3. Survey limitations

    4. Introducing the ecological report

    5. Getting the report right

    6. Test your learning

    1. Welcome! Chapter overview

    2. The opening few pages of a report

    3. Introduction pages

    4. Legislation and planning policy pages

    5. Methods or Methodology pages

    6. Results pages

    7. Discussion/Impact assessment pages

    8. Recommendation pages

    9. Conclusion, References and Appendices Pages

    10. Summary pages

    1. Feedback Survey

    2. More resources for you

    3. Feedback

    4. Further Reading

About this course

  • £60.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Director Richard Dodd

I have worked as a professional ecologist since 2000 within the public, voluntary and private sectors. I'm Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Wildwood Ecology, an Award Winning 'purpose-led' Certified B Corporation company. I'm also a Chartered Ecologist and full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).